Monday, December 8, 2008

Vintage Stocking Swap

Hello Sugar Plums!
Feels like it's been ages since my last post!
It's been busy here at The Shabby Ranchette with Christmas on the way,swaps,challenges,and the new and wonderful Lollishops!

My dear friend,Priscila of Casa Bella Chic
hosted a Vintage Stocking Swap and I jumped at the chance to partake!
I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to play again, because my last swap was back in August.

All work and no play makes Sweetina a dull "girl"!

Swapping is so much fun, because it's an opportunity to create and put together presents for Blogger friends.Giving is so good for the soul.We all grow leaps and bounds when we create,give or do for others.And it's extra special between friends.

Here are most of the goodies I created and found for Priscila, who ended up being my swap partner.
But first, I have an Official Declaration to post!

Priscila, is from today onward...
The Queen Of Swaps
Not only does she host, she's also involved in several at a time!
You Go Queenie!

O.K.Ready for a looksee?
Here we go then~

First, is the stocking I made for her.

I found the plain felt stocking while thrifting.Then I sewed on trim,decorations and
a little frou frou.
The snowman was store-bought and underwent gender changing surgery~becoming a (very happy i might add)snow woman!

Priscila mentioned that she had recently started collecting vintage aprons.
And I found this on etsy at The Silk Apron

Isn't it Darling!!! The fabric is so vintage pretty and Kitchen-y!
Here's a closer look at the pattern and sweet colors!

Then I made a vintage wallpaper hanging collage in aqua,red and white with lots of yummy glitter and antiqued tinsel trim.

Unfortunatly, the vintage mercury glass candlesticks that I sent broke during shipping,but I'll send her more. Infact,since Priscila loves red and gold for the Holidays~what do you think about these?

Red and gold look so opulent and shimmery!

I also sent yummy trims in pastel colors and a big red wool pom pom!
Along with a vintage hankie. Somewhere during the process, I forgot to take photos the pictures went missing!
Hmmm...need more Ginko Biloba,me thinks!
Well,friends~thanks for stopping by today,
I always love your company!
Tomorrow...more to share!
Candy Canes and Kisses


The Little Miss said...

oh yeah....Im excited...Im going to use the fotos that are better then mine and some of mine...I miss our talks!

Shell said...

Such wonderful goodies. Priscila is going to love all of these. Made me happy just looking at all of these.

Anonymous said...

(If this turns up as a double post, please delete)

Well, now, I've never been called a sugar plum before! Thank you! :>

Yes indeed, "Oh hail Priscila! Queen of the swaps!"

Wow, that apron was a flash to the past for me! My Mom or Nana must have had something similar. swaps are just so much fun!

Come see me! Everyone is getting too busy to visit!

~ Hearts ~